A Little ABOUT julia.

I've lived in Oregon all my life. Born and raised in Portland, I skipped down to Ashland to attend Southern Oregon University - where I majored in Creative Writing and Theatre Arts - and then spent a year abroad in New Zealand. After being away for six years, I couldn't help but come home.

When I'm not walking and caring for your dog, I'm active in the Portland poetry community. I perform regularly at local poetry slams and events, host the mic Slamlandia twice a month, am the director of the summer poetry festival The Bigfoot Regional Poetry Festival, travel around to do paid poetry features at other shows, and have even competed in national competitions for spoken word. I've been published through digital / physical literary journals, and I had my first collection of poetry published in October of 2023.

I enjoy reading, catching up on Netflix shows, exploring the Pacific Northwest with my boyfriend, and trying every hamburger Portland has to offer. I love Muppets, Broadway showtunes, vanilla lattes, Stephen King novels, Brian Vaughn comics, funko pop, NYX eyeliner, and, of course, dogs.

Photograph above taken by Ben Lzicar.